Near Field Communication

Video showing NFC demo

Near Field Communication

Video showing NFC demo

Video of Near Field Communication DemoI have just watched this video from 2007 on Near Field Communication (NFC) and want to share it with you. NFC is getting a lot of coverage at the moment, mainly around the way that it can be used to make pinless payments. This video shows other ways that NFC can be utilised.

One of the features shown in this video is the ability to use an electronic picture frame and when you hold your mobile phone close to the frame it calls the person in the pic. Although this looks nifty when you think about it would you get off the couch to walk over to the frame when you could just open the contacts in your phone?

I did like the idea of having ads that you can interact with, by making calls, visiting websites etc.

Of course there is a payment demonstration and I was pleased to see that it can be pin protected. The thought that somebody with the right kit could skim your phone by merely walking past me is worrying.

I also like the idea that the phone can be used as a loyalty card. If this video foretells the way things will be in the future then the days of the wallet are numbered.

Check out the video and let me know what you think.