Facebook Allows Pages to be Tagged in Photos

Facebook introduces new features for business owners including the ability for business pages to be tagged in photos, a new way to manage multiple ad accounts and a new bulk uploader tools for ads.

Facebook Allows Pages to be Tagged in Photos

Facebook introduces new features for business owners including the ability for business pages to be tagged in photos, a new way to manage multiple ad accounts and a new bulk uploader tools for ads.

Facebook has today revealed a new feature for business pages. From now on you will be able to tag a business page in a photo in the same way that you can tag an individual. Like an example? Imagine that you sell a product, and you have a photo of somebody holding one of your products then you would be able to highlight the area around the product and tag your business page.

Once your business page has been tagged then the picture can be seen among your pages photos. It will not appear in the news feed of those that have liked your page. I assume that this is to ensure that users do not get their news feeds spammed to death with photos from brands.

One other interesting feature is the fact that anybody can tag a page. So if I see somebody with a UFC T-shirt on then I could tag the UFC brand even though have not liked their page. This means that for clothing stores they could effectively harness a whole army of page fans to start to tag pictures of people wearing their brand to build their presence. Although the pictures will not appear in users news feeds they will appear to the friends of the user as they look through the users pictures. At this stage the feature is restricted to Brands & Products and People categories but will be rolled out to the other types of page in the coming weeks.

One possible way that brands may start to utilise this feature is to have a competition where people have tagged the brand in a photo. All of those pictures that are tagged with the Facebook page of the brand will appear  in the business page’s photo’s and a winner can be picked from them.

There will doubtless be many new and innovative ways of using this new feature that will emerge of the coming weeks and months. This is one enhancement that businesses have been crying out for and should be well received.

The social media giant has also announced a couple of other features for businesses. The first is the launch of the Power Editor for creating, editing and managing Facebook ads in bulk. It is designed to replace the current bulk uploader tool. Brands and agencies should also now be able to manage their ad campaigns more effectively using Account Groups, this will allow you to group together multiple accounts which Facebook claims will allow seamless accessibility.

While these features may not have much effect on the general user they are likely to be well received within the business community.