Best-selling author and technology visionary Douglas Rushoff offers his insights and perspectives on humanity’s role in the bight new future.
Subject: Videos
Interesting posts from the worlds of programming, technology, search engine optimisation and online life in general.
This is an interesting video from Cisco Training explaining the joys of IP Addresses.
Here’s a video from CENTR explaining the basics of DNS
This is a fabulous video explaining in layman terms how the Internet works
Short video explaining the basics of HTML 5
I have just watched this very interesting video on the history of the Internet
Chumbawumba’s take on social networking. Add Me
This is a great video with predictions of how computers will change our lives. I would love a home post office! 1969 prediction of the Internet
This is a video with some interesting facts about the world we live in: Did You Know?
The question though is why bother?